Please sign and share and call your elected officials to ban glyphosate in Florida!
Glyphosate, deemed by The W.H.O as a “Probable Human Carcinogen” and most recently, “Roundup causes Liver Disease in Low Doses” there are hundreds of studies that show harm from glyphosate. We the people of Florida are calling for a moratorium on glyphosate to protect people, endangered species, and fragile ecosystems. There is no acceptable level of glyphosate in our bodies or the environment and for this reason we are calling for precautionary principle and a moratorium on glyphosate in the State of Florida.
Sign the petition then call and write to your elected officials!
Stand up for true and transparent GMO Labeling!
Roberts and Stabenow’s discriminating bill S 764 is designed to destroy our right to know. Even the FDA says this bill is a sham and most GMOs will be exempt. We want transparency and clear on-package label just like 64 other countries already have! #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark
We have waited 20 years for this Day! Just as the Vermont GMO labeling law was set to implement on July 1st, our federal government is stepping in to preempt Vermont’s landmark legislation with a supposed federal “compromise”. It’s going to be a very close vote, PLEASE JOIN OUR TWITTER STORM and call your senator today!
Call TODAY 866-772-3843
Do not be fooled. This bill is nothing more than an industry sponsored attempt at keeping Americans in the DARK about what we are eating.
3 part action: Tweet, Email, Call!
Re-tweet these:
- @SenatorMenendezFDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenatorWarner FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdarkTweet This!
- @Sen_JoeManchin FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenatorDurbin FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenatorShaheen FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenBillNelson Stay w us FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenAngusKing FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenatorFeinstein FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenBobCasey FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @ChrisCoons FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenatorCarper FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenSherrodBrown FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenBennetCO FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenatorBaldwin FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenMikeLee FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenatorCollins FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @SenDeanHeller FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
- @KellyAyottea FDA says S764 is a sham-most GMOs exempt! SAY NO #4simplewords #producedwithgeneticengineering #stopdark Tweet This!
Find your Senator’s email address Here
Call 866-772-3843 Today!
Sample Call Script: “I’m calling because I’m outraged by the proposal under the Roberts/Stabenow bill to overturn Vermont’s GMO labeling law. Preempting the democratically decided laws of Vermont and four other states based on this poorly written, discriminatory and ineffective legislation would be a travesty. This is the first ever labeling law that discriminates against the poor, the elderly and rural residents. The bill is so badly written that the FDA issued a report on all the problems. The FDA says it “may be difficult” for ANY GMO food to qualify for labeling under this bill. The FDA also points out numerous instances of poor and vague drafting in the bill that would cause significant confusion in the marketplace and notes a number of areas where the proposed bill conflicts with the FDA’s own regulations. The FDA critique makes it very clear that this is really a non-labeling bill disguised as a labeling bill. Even if you support mandatory labeling, at the very least this bill needs significant revision and should be voted down. I urge you to vote NO on the Roberts bill. I will remember your vote when you come up for re-election.”