Bring your flier or show flier on your phone!
Date: Tuesday, November 15th
Hour: 5pm to 10pm
Address: 1780 Stirling Road 106Dania Beach, Florida
Shop at Tunies and bring your bags! –Tunies will give your store bag credit to GMO Free Florida from now to the end of the year.
Not only does Tunies have an awesome surplus of nutrients, herbs, homeopathy, skincare, organic produce and pre-made foods, they have the best prices around & put their money where their mouth is!
Date: November 11th to December 31st
Address: 900 N Federal Hwy, Fort Lauderdale 33304
Isn’t this awesome?
Thank you Tunie’s Ft. Lauderdale, Tunie’s, Tunie’s Coral Springs, Tunie’s Palm Beach Gardens
The whole Month of Dec
For the Whole Month of December, Fresh First will be running a fundraising campaign to help GMO Free Florida.
Please support them for their healthy, organic food and thank them for supporting us!
Thank you!
Date: December 1st to December 14th
Hour: 8am to 1pm
Address: 1637 SE 17th St, Fort Lauderdale 33316
The whole month of January
Eat at Green Bar & Kitchen on 17th Street and Round up $$ to support GMOFFL.
BREAKING: Monsanto’s Politicians Unveil the DARKEST Act ever that will Deny Americans The Right to Know Every Single Thing about the GMOs in our food. Senators Pat Roberts and Debbie Stabenow introduced the newest version of the DARK Act, which would preempt Vermont’s GMO labeling law, set to go into effect on July 1st, and prohibit future state GMO labeling laws from being enacted. It would allow companies to use QR codes or 800 numbers as a means of disclosure, rather than the simple words, “produced with genetic engineering”. The bill also exempts many forms of genetically engineered foods from disclosure altogether. UNACCEPTABLE.
These Senators are a shameful example of corruption – doing the bidding of corporations rather than working for the people that elected them.
Contact your Senators and tell them that the Roberts/Stabenow GMO labeling bill is designed to keep consumers in the DARK and is unacceptable. It must be rejected: find your senators here:
Then click and send an email to Sens. Roberts and Stabenow: all Roberts’ office 202-224-4774 and post on his FB page to tell him how you feel about his servitude to Monsanto:
Do the same for Senator Debbie Stabenow, who has stabbed Americans in the back: 202-224-4822. Post on her FB page:
Call Roberts’ office 202-224-4774 and post on his FB page to tell him how you feel about his servitude to Monsanto and Kellogg’s:
Do the same for Senator Debbie Stabenow, who has betrayed her constituents and stabbed Americans in the back: 202-224-4822. Post on her FB page:
#PatRoberts #DebbieStabenow #DARKAct #GMO #glyphosate #carcinogen #Vermont #labelgmos #NeedToKnowGMO #gmofreecanada #gmofreeusa #gmofreeflorida #flright2know
Recover from GMOs
The Wrath of GMOs and Roundup
Lecture by Jeffrey Smith June 2, 2016
June 2nd, 2016 7:30 PM at Hippocrates Health Institute in
West Palm Beach, Florida
Free Event at HHI with GMO Free Florida.
Doors for event open at 7:15, come early and claim your seat!
Are you and your family suffering from chronic conditions that can be eliminated with a simple change in your diet? More than 25
diseases are rising in parallel with the increased GMOs and Roundup herbicide in our food supply. And when people eliminate these hidden poisons, health miracles can happen. Hear stories of how numerous people recover from serious, even “incurable” conditions and learn why the science predicts such improvements. Also discover how industry influence and political collusion allowed these dangerous products into our food supply.
Jeffrey M. Smith, International best-selling author and filmmaker; Executive Director, Institute of Responsible Technology and leading spokesperson on the health dangers of GMOs.
Mr. Smith’s documentary Genetic Roulette, The Gamble of Our Lives was awarded the 2012 Movie of the Year (Solari Report) and the Transformational Film of the Year (AwareGuide).The film links genetically engineered food to toxic and allergic reactions, infertility, digestive disorders, and numerous problems that have been on the rise in the US population since genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were introduced.
RSVP for this free lecture today to learn from one of the world’s experts how to protect yourself and your family.
Start your learning experience early through our amazing raw vegan buffet starting at 5:30 PM for $25!
On the Fence about GMO? Think GMOs are Healthy & Safe? Trust the FDA? Believe that’s it’s Feeding the World? Better Crops? Less Pesticides? Helps Farmers?–Think again!
JOIN US! TH. 5.19 7pm for an award winning Film Screening & fundraiser for #MAMmiami16 Showing Genetic Roulette by Jeffrey M. Smith Click Here to Learn More About the Movie
$10.00 at the door supporting The March Against Monsanto – Miami
on May 21st, 3pm @Omni/Arsht Metro Mover Station.
Come get your #Mam or #GMOFFL T-shirt! Support our ‘Right to know’ what’s in our food! #4simplewords = Produced with Genetic engineering!
Brought to you by: @ mindwarehouse and ECOMB – Environmental Coalition of Miami & the Beaches and GMO Free Florida (Genetically Modified Organisms) and Miami-Dade Green Party Occupy Miami
RSVP: Click Here to RSVP Through Facebook
The fight for our food!!
Mission Statement: Click Here
Calling all creatives, families, farmers, foodies, fair food, wage & trade, unions, and all stewards of the planet, the 2016 March Against Monsanto is fast approaching! Whereas we have had in previous years 2000 people march in Miami alone and over 10,000 people across our great State!
Our goal is to have another amazing community event, with all of our collective, diverse groups gathering together under the Omni/Arsht Metro Mover to march in solidarity for the health of our people, our planet and our world and to educate the citizens of Miami (And across Fl) about the adverse health effects associated with GMOs and expose Monsanto’s corrupt business practices. We aim to inform the community about what we are putting in our bodies and encourage people to be the change they wish to see by supporting local farmers, voting with our dollar, growing our own food and sharing with our neighbors. This is a peaceful march and family friendly event so bring the bring the kids!! BRING COLORFUL, CREATIVE SIGNS, COSTUMES, CHANTS, & DRUMS! Carpool, Uber, take public transportation and be sure to bring a refillable water container! Let’s march for a beautiful GMO-Free world! #MAMmiami16 #may21 ►THE MARCH: (March 3-4PM) *Press Conf. 4:30 Under the Omni/ArshtMetro Mover Facebook March Link Click Here ►PRESS CONF. (At The March) 4:30 PM ►AFTER PARTY (6-2AM) Gramps *6pm healing sound circle, 6:45 speakers, 8pm music! Facebook After Party Link Click Here Directly After the Press Conf. at the March … We will head to Gramps in Wynwood for the after party — where we will be greeted by the sound of beautiful crystal singing bowls, Meditation by Kevin Love, chimes by Christina Chime Musial & Jai Inder Singh and wonderful, relaxing, healing music with intention. Organic, GMO-Free Drinks upon arrival. Kicking off the night we have the ever clever Plant-Based Comedian Joshua Rosen. ►The Sound & Meditation Circle (6:00-6:30) ►The Speakers: (6:45-7:45PM) Vinyl Set by Macedonio. ►The Musicians: (8PM – 1:00AM) ► FIND ALL THE MARCHES IN FLORIDA & NEAR YOU! Click Here ►IN COMBINATION WITH THESE AWESOME ORGS! Sat. Dec. 5th., 6:30 PM WED. Dec. 9th 7:30 PM GREAT NEWS! Our Screening of Consumed is a GO! A dramatic thriller that explores the world of GMOs by following a mother’s attempt to solve her son’s mysterious illness. This impactful film sheds light on GMOs and GMO labeling. Trailer: NOTE: Orlando Screening: Jan. 5th Sat. Jan 9th 3:00 – 5:30 PM African American Research Library INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! SHARE! VOLUNTEER JOIN US! Be a part of this by attending or promoting your local screening: NOTE: In order to screen this film, we must have tickets purchased in advance, So, please share, invite your friends and buy your ticket TODAY! –THANK YOU! See full cast and crew list on IMDb RSVP: |