Aggregate Findings of Over 100 GMO Rodent Feedings Studies
Over 100 Rodent feeding studies find harm using Roundup Ready and Bt toxin insecticide producing varieties of genetically modified foods that are on the market today and in our food supply. Harmful effects included: Stomach barrier damage, increased risk of intestinal infections, high cholesterol, high blood sugar; reproductive issues including lower birth weight and increased mortality of offspring; organ disturbances in the pancreas, liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, ovaries and testes; other disturbances including disturbances to the immune system, blood biochemistry and functioning of the digestive system. No wonder there is no consensus on the safety of GMO foods. The human experiment continues, unmonitored. Feel like a lab rat?
Here are studies to back that up – (find more in the GMO Research database at
Click for more:
- E. Abdo, O. Barbary and O. Shaltout, “Feeding Study with Bt Corn (MON810: Ajeeb YG) on Rats: Biochemical Analysis and Liver Histopathology,” Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 5 No. 2, 2014, pp. 185-195.…
- Ahrorovna, K.D., 2021. Age-related morphofunctional features of changes in the thymus gland of experimental animals under the influence of genetically modified product. Middle European Scientific Bulletin, 11(1). Click here
- Alba NA, В. Kuz’micheva LV, Е. В. Zinoviev EV (2012) Impact of GM soy on a protein-lipid composition of the blood of animals. International Journal of Applied and Fundamental Research №2, 2012 ISSN 1996-3955…/vliyanie-gm-soi-na-belkovo… - Aledo, M.M., & Kalganov, S.A. (2019). Biochemical blood parameters of mice when introduced into the diet of GM corn. In In the world of scientific discoveries: proceedings of the III International Student Scientific Conference. May 22-23, 2019-Ulyanovsk: UlGAU, 2019.-T. V, Part 1 .. UlGAU.…/22149/1/2019-09-74-76.pdf
- Amoh C. Morphometrical peculiarities of kidney’s canalicular epithelium of 2nd generation of rats due to presence of gmo-soya in foods 5th International Scientific Interdisciplinary Conference (ISIC) for medical students and young doctors, Kharkiv, April 25-26, 2012 : Abstract book. – Kharkiv, 2012. P 15-16.
- Anisina O.S., Medvedeva M.V. (2016) INFLUENCE GM SOY FEED LINE 40.3.2. AND CHRONIC EXPOSURE TO LOW DOSES OF EMR ON THE ORGANISM OF WHITE RATS. Fundamental and applied aspects of the feeding of agricultural animals and forage technology [text]: Conference materials on 120 anniversary of M. Tommje, (14-16 June, 2016, p. Sunderland). -Sunderland: Look them. L.K. Ernst, 2016. (pp. 297-300). https://xn--80af2bld5d.xn--p1ai/…/%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D1…
- L.M. Baranchugova, V.I. Obydenko (2015). The influence of soybeans on morphofunctional indicators of some rat bodies in the experiment. Science and World, 113. ISSN 2308-4804…/scienceandworldno11(27… Peer reviewed:…/science-and-world-%E2%84%96-1…
- Battistelli S., Baldelli B., Malatesta M. (2008), Influence of a GMO-containing diet on pancreatic acinar cells of adult mice: effects of a short-term diet reversion, “Microscopie”, 10, pp. 36-43…/article/view/4961
- S. Battistelli, B.Citterio, B. Baldelli, C. Parlani, and M. Malatesta (2010) Histochemical and morpho-metrical study of mouse intestine epithelium after a long term diet containing genetically modified soybean Eur J Histochem. September 26;54(3): e36
- Brasil FB, Soares LL, Faria TS, Boaventura GT, Sampaio FJ, Ramos CF.(2009) The impact of dietary organic and transgenic soy on the reproductive system of female adult rat. Anat Rec(Hoboken).292(4):587594.
- Chorna I. V., Dronik G. V., Davydenko I. S. (2018) HISTOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE LIVER OF RATS CONSUMING GENETICALLY MODIFIED SOYBEAN, PROCESSED WITH HERBICIDE “ROUNDUP”. Odesa National University Herald. Biology. 2018. Vol. 23, no. 2 (43). ISSN 2077-1746
- Chorna, I. (2019) The structural and functional state of kidneys of two generations of rats in the use of glyphosate-resistant genetically modified soybean and herbicide “Roundup” ScienceRise: Biological Science, (1 (16)), 25-29.
- Chorna, I. V., Dronik, G. B., Lukashiv, T. O., & Yuzkova, V. D. (2019a). Oxidatively modified proteins in kidneys of rats fed with glyphosate-resistant genetically modified soybean and the herbicide Roundup. Regulatory Mechanisms in Biosystems, 10(3), 319-325.
- B Cisterna, F Flach, L Vecchio, SML Barabino, S Battistelli, TE Martin, M Malatesta, M Biggiogera (2008) Can a genetically modified organism-containing diet influence embryonic development? A preliminary study on pre- implantation mouse embryos. Eur J Histochem. 2008 Oct-Dec;52(4):263-7.
- Joël Spiroux de Vendômois, François Roullier, Dominique Cellier, Gilles-Eric Séralini (2009) A Comparison of the Effects of Three GM Corn Varieties on Mammalian Health Int J Biol Sci; 5(7):706-726.
- C. K. Didi (2015). The influence of genetically soybeans on the offspring of Japanese mice. XII Far Eastern Youth Ecological Conference-Competition “Man and Biosphere”. Pages 12-13…/273767094_Tezisy_XII…
- Egamberganovich, A.J., 2020. Influence of A Genetically Modified Organism on The Rat’s Hepatobiliary System. European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 7(6), pp.2157-2164. - Egamberganovich, A.J., 2021, March. EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF A GENETICALLY MODIFIED PRODUCT ON THE MORPHOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF THE LIVER OF LABORATORY ANIMALS. In Archive of Conferences (Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 114-118).…/aoc/article/view/801 - Eissa, M. I., El-Sherbiny, M. A., Ibrahim, A. M., Abdelsadik, A., Mohamed, M. M., & El-Halawany, M. S. (2019). Biochemical and Histopathological studies on female and male Wistar rats fed on genetically modified soybean meals (Roundup Ready). The Journal of Basic and Applied Zoology, 80(1), 54.
- Thanaa A. El-Kholy, Mohammad Abu Hilal, Hatim Ali Al-Abbadi, Abdulhalim Salim Serafi, Ahmad K. Al-Ghamdi, Hanan M. Sobhy and John R. C. Richardson (2014) The Effect of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Soybean on DNA, Cytogenicity and Some Antioxidant Enzymes in Rats. Nutrients, 6(6), 2376-2386
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- T. V. Gorbach, G. I. Gybina-Vakulyck, S. A. Denisenko (2016) Influence of Genetically Modified Soy in Experimental Animals Diet on the Metabolism and Histology of Liver and Kidneys. Problems of aging and longevity 2016, 25, № 1. – С. 80—86 ISSN:0869-1703
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