Breaking! Thank you to the City of Key West Commissioners, Mayor Johnston & volunteers for passing the 6th resolution -or- ordinance in FL to ban glyphosate (Monsanto’s Roundup) *In 2016, glyphosate was deemed “A probable human carcinogen” by the W.H.O.
Presently, the 3rd Monsanto/Bayer cancer trial awarded 2 billion dollars to CA couple Mr. and Mrs. Alva and the subsequent 13,400 Monsanto cancer trials pending across the nation.
Thank you to all the FL volunteers working on this, Commissioner(s) Mary Lou Hoover, D’Avila, Sam Kaufman, Clayton Lopez, Jimmy Weekley, Mayor Teri Johnston and all the other cities across the state that have gone before. Thank you for choosing to use healthier + safer alternatives to protect Key West people, wildlife, pets and our water precious water supply.